Jamb History CBT Quiz


History Quiz

This Quiz will increase your knowledge in History.

1 / 10

In pre-colonial Nigeria, intergroup contacts were encouraged mostly by

2 / 10

The collapse of Kanem under Dunama Debalemi was attributed to

3 / 10

Which subject are you doing?

4 / 10

The development of mircoliths is associated with the

5 / 10

Which of the following is the most important source of the history of the Hausa states?

6 / 10

The jihadist emerged victorious in Gobir because

7 / 10

The yoruba background to the Oba of Benin is emphasized by the

8 / 10

The Africans transported across the Atlantic as slaves were mostly

9 / 10

European traders did not venture into the interior of Nigeria before the 19th century because

10 / 10

The Nok civilization suggests that

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