19 HTML Codes Every Blogger Should Know 2021/2022

If you find yourself in the same boat as me, publishing blogs, managing websites, and more then there are some certain HTML Codes that will be helpful.

It is true that you don’t need to be a Programmer before you can run a WordPress blog. With WordPress Themes and Free Plugins, you’re good to go. 

There are times when you need to perform simple tasks using codes. For example,  you may want to align a text or place Adsense codes and do other minor stuff on your blog. You don’t have to always beg people for help. You can do it yourself!

What is HTML?

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It contains markup tags used to describe, classify, and structure elements in an email/webpage. Browsers will read the coding and will show what we see. HTML is a Language used to write web pages.

Everything you see on your computer or phone browser is created using HTML. All websites on the web are made using this language.

Tim Berners-Lee is the father of HTML. he is called the inventor of the web (www). Many call Tim Berners Lee the father of the Internet.

The World Wide Web (WWW) is the most important thing on the Internet. Without it, it is very hard to connect to each other. People could not do online business in the past because there was no Internet.

Another important stuff is the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP). It defines how messages are transmitted and formatted on the Web. HTTPS is HTTP with additional Security. the S in HTTPS stands for Secure. A blog is said to be secure if it is https-enabled.

HTML and CSS work together.  HTML is used to create Websites while CSS helps to beautify the webpages. CSS are the clothes of that skeleton you made using HTML. It is responsible for the design, colours and shape. Javascript makes a webpage interactive. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet. Google Adsense ads are mainly JavaScript codes.

19 Basic HTML Codes You Can Use


This is opened <>

This is closed tag </>

Center HTML Tag

This is great way of centering a YouTube video on your blog post or anything else that you want to have a center alignment.

<CENTER>Your Content</CENTER>

Bold HTML tag

This is a simple HTML tag to use anytime you want something in particular to be in bold. Again, inside a blog post you can easily add this in the “visual” tab but the blog HTML tag is a helpful use in the widgets section.

<STRONG>This is Bold</STRONG>

Create a Link

This one is a bit more advanced but something you should probably know how to do. As bloggers we are always creating links and want to display links in the sidebar and other areas of the site. The code below is easy enough to use. You basically need to replace the code below with two things:

1. Where you want someone to go who clicks on the link.

2. Which words do you want to display as a link.<a href=”http://yourwebsite.com”>This is a Link</a>

It will look like this: This is a Link

 **Note: It is a bit hard to see but after the <a href is an equal sign and not a dash.

Line Break

 I use the line break quite a bit when I want to create vertical spacing between text. You just place the tag in between anything that you want to create some space between (No closing tag needed for this one).



<ol> – Another tag that provides structure and stands for ordered list.

<ul> – A tag that says that what follows is an unordered list, much like bullet points

<li> – an item that belongs to a list

<html> – serves as the container for the document and it marks the beginning and the end of markup

<head> – a section of html where header information such as title and links to stylesheets are found

<body> a section of html that contains content

<link rel> indicates that an external file is linked to the current html document and is commonly used to link an external stylesheet to format the contents of the document

<div>– A division or a section of a page. Used as an additional means to provide structure to HTML.

class – an attribute used in <div> used for formatting HTML when stylesheets are used. When class is used, it means that this type of styling can occur many times in the document

id – another attribute found in <div> and is for formatting HTML when stylesheets are used. A particular id tag can only be used once

<script> denotes that text inside this tag is script that will add dynamic and interactive capabilities to the page

type used inside the script tag to tell the browser what scripting language is used. The most common type of scripting language is text/javascript. Scripts of type text/vbscript fell out of favor.

<form> – denotes that the area enclosed by this tag is an HTML form that can accept user input

<input> used inside an HTML form and is used to accept user input or submit the input

type – used inside input and may either accept entry of data through text boxes, radio buttons or select boxes. Is also used to show a submit button if type is equal to “submit”

label – used in forms and will label HTML input elements

<!->– comment tag. Used to add text to your document that will not be displayed in the browser and is useful to document the design of the page.

Do you have any basic HTML codes that you like to use as a blogger?

I hope you find this basic HTML codes helpful ?. Share it with someone who you think needs it. Use any social media button.








Originally posted 2021-10-29 11:33:21.

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