NABTEB Civic Education Syllabus

NABTEB Civic Education Syllabus And Hot Topics To Read For 2021 NABTEB: If you have been wondering how to get NABTEB Syllabus Online Plus hot topics you are to focus on in Civic Education then Guide is for you. 

The aim of the National Business and Technical Examinations Board (NABTEB) Civic Education Syllabus for 2021 is to ensure that you are well prepared for the exam. 


This course is designed to provide the students with deeper and sound knowledge on the reality of everyday societal living at their age of critical thinking and reasoning about the events happening around them and the society.

This is with a view to helping them acquire knowledge, attitude, values and basic skills that will help them to become responsible and disciplined members of their societies. Students need the appropriate information which they can gather through participation for the purpose of applying what they have learned to their daily living.


The major aims and objectives of this course are to:

  1. Promote the understanding of the inter-relationship between people, government and the society.
  2. Highlight the structure of government, its functions and the responsibilities of government to the people and vice-versa
  3. Enhance the teaching and learning of emerging issues
  4. Inculcate in students their duties and obligations to society.
1.0Valuesœ“ Define and identify types of valuesœ“ Explain justice and selflessness,œ“ Demonstrateincidencesof selfless activities1.1  Meaning and types of values e.g justice,selflessness, honesty etc.1.2  Justice and selflessness1.3  Opportunity to defendoneself,1.4  Involvement in thecommunity servicesStudents should be able to:(i)  Define values and selflessness(ii)  Listen and ask questions and write down notes(iii)  Participate in community activities
2.0HIV/ AIDSœ“ Explainthemeaningandthe causes ofHIV/AIDs;œ“ Identify the symptomsand effects ofHIV/Aidsœ“ Statethepreventivemeasure if HIV/AIDSœ“ Discuss the HIV/AIDS stigmatization.2.1 Meaning of HIV/AIDS and the causes.2.2 Symptoms and effects of HIV/AIDS2.3 Preventive measures of HIV/AIDS e.g use of condom, abstinence, faithfulness to partners etc.2.4 StigmatizationofPLWHAExplain the meaning and causes of HIV/AIDS(i)  Analyze the symptoms and effects of HIV/AIDS(ii)  Mention the preventivemeasures(iii)  Demonstrate HIV/AIDSstigmatization.(iv)  Observe, ask questionsand writereports.
3.0YOUTH EMPOWERMENTœ“ Explaintheconceptof empowermentœ“  Statethedifferentyouth empowerment skillsœ“  List the importance andbenefits of the different skillsœ“  Practice a specific skill3.1Concept ofyouth empowerment.3.2 Youth empowerment skills e.g. life coping, manipulative, intellectual, communicative and artistic skills3.3 Importance and benefits of the skills3.4 Practicalworkonspecificskills(i)  Explain the meaning of youth empowerment(ii)  Enumerate the various skills(iii)  Discuss the importance and benefit andinterestin specificskills(iv)  Demonstrate abilityandinterest in specific skills(v)  List the importance and benefits of the differentskills(vi)  Practice a specific skills
4.0GOALS OF CITIZENSHIPœ“ Defineandexplainthegoals of citizenship education; œ“ Identifylawsandrightsofindividuals;
œ“ Mention the main functionsand structures of governmentExplain Nationalism and major local/world civicproblemsEnumerate nationalistic roles of individuals and groups
4.1 Meaning of citizenship 4.2 Types of laws and rights ofindividuals
4.3 Functions and structures ofgovernment
4.4 Nationalism and majorlocal/world civic problems
4.5 Nationalistic roles of individualsand groups
(i)  Define and explain citizenship.(ii)  Name types of laws and right ofindividuals.(iii)  State functions and structures ofgovernment(iv)  Discuss Nationalism andlocal/world civic problems(v)  Enumerate nationalisticroles they will like to play

5.0CHARACTERISTICS OFDEMOCRACYž¢ Defineandexplainrepresentative democracy and its characteristics;ž¢ Explaintheruleoflawandmaximum liberty for itscitizensž¢ Examine the rule of majority with adequate safeguards to the minority 5.1 Representativedemocracy and its characteristics5.2 Rule of law and maximum liberty for its citizens 5.3 Rule of majority withadequate safeguards to the minority(i)  Define and explain representative democracy(ii)  Explain the rule of law and maximum liberty for citizens(iii)  Discuss the rule of majority with adequatesafeguards to theminorities(iv)  Listen and ask question
6.0THE MAJOR PILLARS OF DEMOCRACYž¢  Defineandexplaintheconstitution;ž¢  Discussthestronginstitutionlikethethree arms of government;ž¢  Defineandexplainfederalism,stateandlocal government.ž¢  Outline citizensresponsibilities;ž¢  Politicalpartiesandfreepress.6.1 The constitution
6.2 Stronginstitutionse.gthearms of government, armedforces, civil societies etc. 6.3 Federalism,stateandlocalgovernments.
6.4 Citizens responsibilities. 6.5 Political parties and freepress
(i)  Define and explain the types of constitution.(ii)  Explain the strong institutions like Armed forces, civil societies etc.(iii)  Define and explain the meaning of federalism,state and localgovernments.(iv)  Analyze citizens responsibilities.(v)  Explain political parties and freepress.
o Give the brief historical background ofUDHR.
o The seven core freedoms of UDHR o Explain the meaning of seven corefreedom ofUDHR
o Mention the seven core freedoms ofUDHR
o Say the roles of individuals, groups inUDHR;
o Explain the role of government in UDHR
7.1 Meaning of UDHR (Universal Declaration of human Rights).7.2 Historical Background of UDHR.7.3 Meaning of seven core freedom of UDHR7.4 Seven core freedoms of UDHR. E.g freedom from discrimination, want,fears etc.7.5 Roles of individual and groups e.g advocacy through print and electronic media, awareness campaign etc.7.6 Roles of government e.g. Enactment of laws, establishment of agencies the NAPTIP, Legal Aid Council.(i)  Explain the meaning of UDHR(ii)  Discuss the historical background of UDHR.(iii)  Explain the meaning of the seven corefreedom ofUDHR(iv)  Mention (7) corefreedom of UDHR(v)  Dramatize the roles of individuals and groups(vi)  Locate and visit government agenciesconcerned with UDHR

8.0CULTISMœ“  Defineandexplainthemeaningof cultism;œ“  Identifythedifferentcultgroupsand their symbols;œ“  Statetheoriginandreasonsforcult groups;œ“  Explaintheconsequencesofcultism.œ“  Discuss the preventive measuresagainst cultism8.1 Meaning of cultism. Different cult groups especially those in the schools, e.g Black Axe, Buccancers, Eiye etc.8.2 Origin and reasons for establishing and joining cult.8.3 Consequencesofcultism e.g. expulsion, violence, murder, spiritual problems etc.8.4 Preventive measures against cultism e.g abiding by rules and regulations, studying hard in school, faith in God as the protector and provider(i)  Define and explain cultism(ii)  Name the different cult groups and their symbols(iii)  Statetheoriginand reasons forcultism(iv) Mention the consequences of cultism(v) Discuss ways of preventing cultism
9.0ORDERLINESSœ“ Defineandexplainmeaningof orderliness;œ“ Enumeratesomeexamplesof orderlinessœ“ Stateanddiscusstheroleof orderliness in the society9.1 Meaning of orderliness 9.2 Examplesoforderlinessinthe society, listening skills, driving skills, decorum, queuingculture etc.9.3 Roles of orderliness in the society e.g by showing good examples to people, training people around you, correcting younger ones patiently, to be careful in whatever they do.(i)  Listen and ask questions where necessary.(ii)  Contribute to the discussion and list their own examples.(iii) Stateanddiscusstherole orderliness play in our society.
10.0RESPECT FOR CONSTITUTED AUTHORITYœ“ Defineandexplainthemeaningof constituted authorityœ“ Stateanddiscusstypesofconstituted authority;œ“ Explaintheimportanceofconstituted authority10.1 Meaning ofConstituted Authority.10.2 Types of constituted authority10.3 Importance of constituted authority(i)  Define and explain constituted authorities(ii)  Name types of constituted authority.(iii)  Enumerate the importance ofconstituted authority to people around
11.0IMPORTANCE OF CITIZENSHIP OF EDUCATIONœ“ Defineandexplaincitizenship educationœ“ Identifyanddescribetheirdutiesand obligations to their communities
œ“ Listtheskillsrequiredforpromotionofour traditions, beliefs,etc.
œ“ Sayhowtopromoteconsciousness,integrity and unity
11.1 Meaning of citizenship Education11.2 Duties and obligations of citizens to theircommunities e.g security, obedience to rules regulations, environmental sanitation, promotion of peace etc.11.3 Skills necessary for preservation of our traditions, customs, beliefs etc in Nigeria.11.4 How to promote national consciousness national integrity and unity(i)  Listen to teachers explanation of citizenship education(ii)  Dramatizetheirduties and obligations to their communities(iii) Actplaysordramaon preservation oftraditions, customs,belief etc.
(iv) Demonstrate whatpromoted national consciousness, integrity and unity.

12.0CAPITALIST DEMOCRACYœ“ Defineandexplaincapitalistdemocracy and its characteristicsœ“ Describehowpoliticalpartiescompete for power through elections;œ“ Explainhowemploymentcanalleviate poverty;œ“ Describewhatpromotesguaranteed employment, free education, medical care, etc.12.1 Meaning ofcapitalist democracy and its characteristics12.2 Competition for power amongpolitical parties, e.g. campaigns, manifestos, etc.12.3 Importance of employment inalleviating poverty 12.4 Factors whichpromote guaranteed employment e.g. free education and medical care, responsible governance, popular participation etc.(i) Listen to teachers explanation ofcitizenship education (ii) Dramatizetheirdutiesand obligations totheir communities.(iii)  Actplayordramaonpreservation of traditions, customs, beliefs etc.(iv)  Demonstrate what promotes national consciousness, integrityandunity.
13.0MEANING AND FORMS OF APATHYœ“ Definepoliticalapatyinhisvarious forms;œ“ Givereasonsforpoliticalapathy;
œ“ Explainwhyleadersfailtoprotecttheinterest of theirfollowers.
13.1 Meaning of political apathy in its various forms e.g. refusal to register and vote, refusal to protest against rigging13.2 Reasons for political apathy e.g badgovernance, unfulfilled political promises, rigging etc.13.3 Why leaders fail to protect the interest of their followers e.g. selfishness, party interest.(i) Listen and ask questions onpolitical apathy in its forms(ii) Answerquestionson why people fail to register and take part in protest.(iii) Discusstheeffectof leaders failure to protect their followers.
14.0POPULAR PARTICIPATIONœ“ Definepopularparticipationinpolitics; œ“ Givereasonswhypeopledonotparticipate in politics;
œ“ Describehowpopularorganizationareformed
14.1 Definition of popular participation14.2 Reasons why people do not participate in politics e.g. economic obstacles, discrimination, illiteracy.14.3 How popular organization areformed(i)  Answer questions from their teacher(ii)  Explain why people do not fullyparticipate(iii)  Act out how popularorganizations are formed.
15.0HUMAN RIGHTSœ“ Define human rights;
œ“ Identifywhatmayleadtolimitationsofhuman rights
œ“ Describewhathappensduringemergency periods
15.1 Definition of human rights15.2 Limitationsofhuman righs e.g; wars, state of emergency, conviction in a law court etc.15.3 A list of what happen during emergency periods e.g. limitation of movement and lack of freedom of speech(i) Describe what human right is all about.(ii) Askquestiononthe limitations of human rights.(iii) Dramatize emergency situations as they affect human rights.

16.0DRUG USE AND ABUSE“ Definedruguseanddrug abusesœ“ Identifytypesofdrugsand how they can be abusedi. Meaning of drug and drug abuse16.2 Types of drugs that can be abused and how they are abused(i)  Listen to teacher and ask questions.(ii)  Examine the types of drugs brought by the teacher.(iii) Actsomeofthebehavioursof the addicts.
16.1EFFECT OF DRUGS AND DRUG ABUSEDescribe the symptoms of drugsDemonstrate some behaviour of an addict16.3 Symptoms of Drug abuse e.g. violence, depression, allergy etc.16.4 Behaviour exhibited by drug addicts seen from photographs and illustrations.16.5 Describe some behaviours of an addict.(i)  Examine and discuss the pictures and photographs of drug abuse(ii)  Describe some behaviour of an addict.
16.2PREVENTION OF DRUG ABUSE–  Identify how drug abuse can beprevented–  List some of the government agencies working to prevent drug abuse16.6 Ways of preventing drug abuse.16.7 Governmentagencies that are working to prevent drug abuse e.g. NDLEA, NAFDAC(i)  Debate the ways of preventing drug abuse(ii)  Listen to resource persons.
16.3DRUG LAW, ENFORCEMENT AND ADMINISTRATIONIdentify some of the drug laws from government;Describesomeofthe activities of drug law enforcement agencies16.8 Laws that are promulgated against grug abuse.16.9 Activities of drug enforcement agencies e.g. burning of fake of expired drugs(i)  Examine thedrugs.(ii)  Ask questions(iii) Makesuggestionsonprevention.
17.0RESPONSIBLE PARENTHOOD–  Explain the meaning of responsible parenthood;–  State and discuss the role of responsible parents;–  Explain the importance of responsible parenthood in national development17.1 Meaning of responsible parenthood17.2 Roles of responsible parent e.g providingfor the household, caring, education, good home training etc.17.3 Importance of responsible parenthood e.g. responsible citizenry, reduction in crime rates, healthy nation, etc.(i)  Listen and illustrate responsible parenthood(ii)  Contribute to the discussion and then dramatize the roles of responsible parenthood.(iii) Enumeratetheimportanceof responsible parenthood to national development.

18.0TRAFFIC REGULATIONSž¢ Defineandexplainthemeaningof traffic regulations;ž¢  Enumeratesometrafficregulations;ž¢  Mentiontherolesofindividualandgovernment in maintaining traffic regulations 18.1 Meaningoftraffic regulations18.2 Traffic regulations e.g obeying traffic officials and signs;18.3 Roles of individuals and government inmaintaining traffic regulations. e.g FRSC, enactment of laws, NGOs obeying and assisting traffic officials.(i)  Listen and ask questions aboutthe meaning oftraffic regulations.(ii)  Enumerate sometraffic regulations. Listen attentively to the resource person, ask questions andwrite down notes.
19.0INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS–  Define and explain the meaning of inter- personal relationalrelationships;–  Enumerate and explain types of inter- personal relationships–  State basic skills that promote interpersonal relations19.1 Meaning of inter- personal relationships19.2 Types of inter-personal relationships e.g. relationship betweenman and woman; relationship between individuals and government, relationship among peers19.3 Skills that promote interpersonalrelationships e.g. honesty, tolerance, kindness, caring, patience etc.(i)  Listen, ask question and write downnotes.(ii)  Enumeratedifferent types of inter-personal relationships(iii)  State basic skills that promote inter- personal relations.
20.0INTER-COMMUNAL RELATIONSHIP(i)  Explain the meaning of inter-communal relationships;(ii)  State the importance of inter-communal relationships;(iii)  Enumerateandexplaintheskillsfor resolving inter-communal conflicts. 20.1 Meaning of inter- communal relationships 20.2Importance of inter- communal relationshipse.g promotes development, enhances security and business etc.20.3 Skills for resolving inter communal conflicts e.g. dialogue, mediation etc.(i)  Listen attentively, ask questions and write down notes.(ii)  Statethe importance ofinter-communalrelationships.(iii)  Listen, ask relevant questions andwriteown notes.
21.0CHARACTERISTICS AND CATEGORIES OF HUMAN RIGHTS–  Say the meaning of human rights;–  List and discuss three characteristics ofhuman rights;–  Classify and differentiate between thecategories of human rights21.1 Meaning of human right.21.2 Characteristics of human rights e.g. Universality of human rights; inalienability of human rights etc.21.3 Categories of human rights e.g civic and political rights; economic and socialrights; environmental rights.(i) Define human rights(ii) Listandexplainthe characteristics of human rights.(iii) Categorise andsay the differencesbetween the categories of human rights.

22.0FIGHTING POLITICAL APATHY–  Say the meaning of political apathy–  List and discuss three ways of fighting politicalapathy22.1 meaning of political apathy.22.2 Ways of fighting political apathy, e.g. knowing and defending our rights; joining popular organizations,etc.(i) Define political apathy (ii) Discusssomewaysoffighting political apathy.
23.0PUBLIC SERVICE–  Say the meaning of public service;–  List and discuss reasons for the short-coming in the public service;–  Mention and explain ways of improving the public service in Nigeria23.1 Meaning of public service 23.2 Reasonsfortheshortcomingsin the public service:Colonial influence; Corruption,
Inconsistency of government policies etc.23.3 Ways of improving the public services in Nigeria e.g.1.     Refresher courses and training programmes;2.     Teaching of political education in schools.3.     Use of code of conduct Bureau andpublic complaint commission etc.
(i) Define public service. (ii) Mentionanddiscussthereasons for the shortcomings in the public services(iii) Sayanddiscusstheways of improving the public service inNigeria.
24.0CIVIL SOCIETY–  Explain the meaning of civil society;–  Identify the functions and need for civil society;–  State the qualities and problems of civil society.24.1 Meaning of civil society 24.2 Functions and need for civilsociety
24.3 Qualities and problems of civilsociety
(i)  Explain meaning of civil society.(ii)  List and explain the functions and need for civil society(iii)  Contribute to the identification of qualities and problems of civil society.
24.1POPULAR PARTICIPATION–  Explain the meaning of popular participation;–  State and explain types of popular participation;–  Enumerate and explain need for popular participation in civil society–  Explain traditional and modern modes of popularparticipation24.4 Meaning of popular participation24.5 Types of popular participation political, economics etc.24.6 Need for popular participation in civil society24.7 Traditional and modern mode of popularparticipation(i) Explain the meaning of popular participation.(ii) Stateandexplaintypes of participation.(iii) Enumerate and explain need for popular participation in civil society.(iv) Write notes
(v) Statetraditionalandmodern modes of transportation.

25.0DEMOCRACY–  Explain the meaning of democracy;–  Identify the importance and problems of democracy;–  Explain the processes of democracy; 25.0 Meaning ofdemocracy 25.1 Importance and problems ofdemocracy.
25.2 Processes of democracy
(i)  Participate actively in class discussion(ii)  Contribute to the identification of the importance and problems of democracy.(iii) Discusstheprocessesof democracy.
25.1RULE OF LAW–  Explain the meaning and importance of rule of law;–  State the processes of rule of law;–  Identify and explainthe problems of rule of law.25.3 Meaning and importance of rule of law25.4 Processes of rule of law 25.5 Problems of rule of law.(i) Actively contribute to the lesson by answering teachers questions.(ii) Explainthemeaningand importance of rule of law.(iii) Statetheprocessesofrule of law(iv)  Visitalawyerandcourtin their locality.(v)  Identifytheproblemsof rule of law.
25.2CONSTITUTIONAL DEMOCRACY–  Explain the meaning and types of constitutional democracy;–  State and explain the features ofconstitutionaldemocracy;–  Identify and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of constitutional democracy.–  Identify and explain the key concepts of constitutional democracy 25.6 Meaning and types of constitutional democracy.25.7 Features of constitutional democracye.g.popular sovereignty, majority rule and minority right, etc.25.8 Advantages and disadvantages of constitutional democracy.25.9 Meaningof keyconceptin constitutional democracy(i) Read and gather more information from books(ii) Listentotalks,askand answer questions.(iii)  Write down the advantages ofconstitutional democracy.(iv)  Listenattentivelyandaskquestions about the key concepts.
26.0HUMAN TRAFFICKING–  Explain the meaning of human trafficking;–  State the causes of human trafficking–  Mention the effects and consequences of human trafficking;–  Say government and individual efforts to stop human trafficking26.1 Meaning of humantrafficking 26.2 Causesofhumantrafficking e.g. poverty, greed, low self esteem, corruption etc.26.3 Effect and consequences of human trafficking e.g. death, unwanted pregnancy, stigmatization, etc.26.4 Government and individual effort to stop human trafficking e.g. NAPTIP. Enactment of laws, NGOs like WATCLEF.(i) Describe what human trafficking is.(ii) Outlinethecauseof human trafficking(iii)  Dramatizetheeffectsand consequences of human trafficking(iv)  Contribute to the discussion and take down notes.(v) Visitahumantrafficking rehabilitation centre.








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