Create JAMB Profile For Regularization (DE/NYSC)

Are you looking for a quick guide on how to create a jamb profile for the regularization of DE (Direct Entry) or NYSC?

Before counselling you on step-by-step processes to create a regularization profile, let’s understand key terms here.

What is Jamb Profile?

In simple terms; A Jamb ↱ profile is a personal account that each graduate, undergraduate or prospective undergraduate must create with JAMB. Jamb profile enables us to effortlessly access all services that the joint admission and matriculation board JAMB provides.

What is jamb regularization?

Jamb regularization simply means the process or act of conforming your HND/ND/NCE/OND admission to be in line with JAMB and your institution.

Things To Remark on Before Creating Jamb Profile for Regularization

JAMB regularization is not meant for all DE candidates. You can apply for JAMB without a valid JAMB Registration number.

Creating a profile for regularization is practically the same as creating a profile for JAMB Registration.

Regularization can rigorously be done at JAMB offices nationwide

Candidates regularizing should know why they need it. There are various options to choose from before proceeding such as are;

  1. Unregistered Admission (Not yet offered Admission by JAMB)
  2. The normalization of Irregular Admission
  3. Intra (Change in Course Offered)
  4. Inter (Deletion of the Previous Institution)

How To Create Jamb Profile For Regularization of DE (Direct Entry) Candidate

  1. On your mobile phone, text as follows: NIN followed by your NIN and send to 55019.
  2. For example, NIN 97519625892
  3. Now, send it to 55019
  4. Note that the first word I typed was “NIN” followed by space, followed by 11-digit NIN
  5. After sending the message to 55019, your line will be debited at #50
  6. After this, a message will be sent to your phone containing your Profile Code
  7. Visit the nearest JAMB office with that code. Here, you will need an email to link your JAMB profile online.

So now what? After Regularization Profile Creation

You will print an indemnity form after the application (in colour). Take this to your former school (usually polytechnic or college of education). The school admission officer will sign and stamp a part of it. This will then be forwarded to the JAMB office by the school – not by you!

If the regularization is well done and the school forwards it to JAMB then JAMB will send you a message of confirmation (to your email) that your regularization has been approved. This may take a couple of weeks or a few months you need to exercise tolerance.

After this, you can use your given or regularized JAMB registration number for your Direct entry application or any other purpose.

Closing date for jamb regularization

You can visit here to find out the closing date for jamb regularization.

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